REDUCED TO $1,350,000.00
 | For Sale

This 215-hectare property is situated only 12kms from Eidsvold and consists of brigalow softwood scrub and forest country. The property was previously used for cultivation. The scrub country has been grassed with Buffel , Green Panic and Native Bluegrass.

– Watered by 2 large dams and one smaller dam
– The well-maintained cattle yards are steel with wire cable and black belting . They have a drafting pound, vet crush and loading ramp with service ramps on both sides.
– A pump shed and tank are set up and ready for a future water system to water the yards via a large dam
– The forest country is grassed with Green Panic and Native Bluegrass and timbered by Narrow-leaf Ironbark and Spotted Gum
– PMAV in place with two-thirds white on the map
– Carrying capacity 80 breeders or 100 heifers or steers

This property is the perfect mixed grazing block and would suit breeders through to weaners. Ideal for backgrounding.
